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       Yang Yuhua is an ordinary primary school teacher. In 1989 when she entered middle age, Yang became head of the Xiangheyuan Welfare Kindergarten in Beijing, which enrolls mentally retarded kids only. Ten years have gone by and seen 150 kids graduate from the kindergarten. Of the total, 60 have gone to primary schools and 18, who are older than others, have found jobs. Yang said: "It is not easy for the mentally retarded to enter society. They are the only group who cannot express what is in their mind; they are the most difficult to survive among handicapped people. They need help from others. They live their life on their own or partly on their own under protection by others." This is the objective and meaning of her work, she said.
       China at present has 12 million teachers, or one teacher for every 20 students. Diligent work by teachers props the great edifice of education in China. Shining examples of outstanding teachers make teaching an enviable and respected profession in the country. With the enhanced status of education in the country, the social status of Chinese teachers has gone up, and their material conditions greatly improved. And teacher education in China has had a steady development.